Good morning from the British Airways First Class lounge where I’ve tucked into breakfast after having the fun of National Express.
And yes, they have Taittinger Rose in stock (as well as other things).
This leads me onto an important though, that requires debate. And a poll too.

Your thoughts in the comments section below. I’ll go through them later today 🙂
I don’t know if you saw this thread on the BA FT the other day
Surely, one of the most important benefits of the Gold card. Eggs Benedict and bubbly!
Champagne before work? Not good. Champagne before a flight? Of course. Within reason of course. You should be counting glasses, not bottles.
Best post title ever! 🙂
While I believe Champagne to be a lovely breakfast beverage choice, I do find that it renders me rather useless for the rest of the morning. So I typically abstain.
I remain inspired by the old man I once spotted at the counter of a cafe in a train station in Spain. 6 am, and he was enjoying a beer and a ham sandwich.
Not anymore. I’ve learned to avoid ALL alcohol while flying and 12 hours before/after. Not that I would not enjoy a glass of the bubbly or some scotch a bit later in the day – I would! However, my aging system demands nothing but water and lots of it when flying. For me, it does make a huge difference. I drink sparkling water when available, but still water.
I’ll be honest – I had one glass.
Least of all, I’ve seen the effects of boozing has first hand.
One glass sometimes is more than enough (no matter what some on the BA board feel!!!!)
Do you drink champagne with breakfast when you are at home?
Occasionally on a special occasion…