Whilst there are lots of great bloggers on Boarding Area, there is some emphasis on US and North American blogs.
And that’s fine and dandy.
However, there is an amazing amount of European coverage on Boarding Area… here’s just some of the bloggers out there:
- Miles from Blighty
- Points to be Made
- Malta Points
- You Have Been Upgraded
- Lufthansa Flyer
- Fammi Volare
- and of course, GhettoIFE.
Whilst these voices are out there and writing, sometimes its difficult to find out about our latest thoughts, opinions, news and ideas from the main Boarding Area front page.
Well worry no longer! Boarding Area recently launched BoardingArea.eu
Yes, this is from the new Macbook. Yes, I’m still configuring it.
All your European Boarding Area blogs in one convenient place, showing you news, miles, hints and tips as well as trip reports too.
So, add it to your bookmarks if you’re a European flyer and want to see content that’s more relevant to you, bookmark BoardingArea.eu!
Welcome aboard BoardingArea.eu!
Want to keep up with me at GhettoIFE? Join me either by signing up for my newsletter, or follow me on Twitter @GhettoIFE for when there are posts to the blog!
Also remember that as well as being part of BoardingArea, we’re also part of BoardingArea.eu, delivering frequent flyer news, miles and points to European readers!
Fantastic news! Great content, blissfully free of Chase and Citibank shilling!
Also free of Vanilla reloads too!