Ok – not the greatest of offers, but every penny counts these days
Your magic code is QUIDCO529 valid on Airfrance.co.uk only.
Valid depature airports (UK only) – Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, London Heathrow, Manchester, Newcastle or Southampton
Valid to: Tokyo, Guangzhou, Osaka, Nagoya, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Caracas, Johannesburg, Lagos, Santo Domingo, Seychelles, Mauritius
Valid Class: Tempo (Economy – Y)
Promo Valid Until: 06/08/09
*Terms and conditions.
* booking made between 13/07/2009 and 06/08/2009
* outbound flight made between 13/07/2009 and 14/12/2009, depending on the destination.
* return flight between 13/07/2009 and 14/12/2009, depending on the destination.
* immediate payment over the website and issuance of an e-ticket
* class of travel: Economy (Tempo)
* minimum price of ticket before the reduction and application of any taxes, surcharges and service charges: £200
Not the greatest of offers, but hey. A penny there, a penny here. It all adds up. No mention of miles in the T&C;’s, so assume it’ll qualify for the miles under your SkyTeam plan…