Just when you think travel can’t get any worse with airlines unbundling every charge (translation – asking you to pay more), Spirit Airlines has decided to take it one step further… by charging for large hand luggage items.
You read that right Hand Luggage.
Now, this is the “American” definition of Hand luggage, which is 1 large Rollaboard bag and 1 personal item (say a camerabag, purse or a laptop bag).
The personal item they are “allowing” you to carry Free of Charge providing it can be shoved under your seat. Anything that requires to be placed in the overhead bin requires money to be handed over (at various different rates depending when in the process you do it).
See: http://www.spiritair.com/Policiesbags.aspx – or rather – choose an airline that doesn’t discriminate that low on unbundled things….
The worst part it is – other airlines will watch this experiment carefully… and I’d start to be concerned if it’s a success….