Airplane p0rn – United Express CRJ-700 20/06/2010 by Kevincm It’s Sunday again, and that means it’s time for some Airplane p0rn. Today, it’s Mesa Bombardier CRJ-700 in old United Express colours recently arrived at Washington Dulles More of course – next week! Related
bmvaughn says 23/06/2010 at 1:30 am Don't understand how SkyWest has repainted almost all of their planes yet Mesa has done few.
Kevincm says 23/06/2010 at 1:39 am Could be that Mesa actually might have to "pay up front" for any services at the moment since they're in Chapter 11 still… 😉
Don't understand how SkyWest has repainted almost all of their planes yet Mesa has done few.
Could be that Mesa actually might have to "pay up front" for any services at the moment since they're in Chapter 11 still… 😉