Well the land of the taxed is hell bend on charging a fee for ESTA now as the law has been passed in the US Congress.
Apparently Congress is unware that taxing people is a way of putting them off visiting the United States.
CNN has the scoop, but this is truly insulting to visitors. who now face a $10 fee to go into the USA to “Promote the United States as a travel destination and explain travel and security policies to international visitors”.
Which as a consumer of US Immigration procedures is quite frankly (and to use the US colloquium) a fat load of baloney. It is nothing but forms (and awfully laid out ones at that), and this is squarely targeted at Visa Waiver Program countries. The fact that 3-1-1 is pretty much universal (or 100ml in the civilised world) and it’s never a good idea to take sharps through security is besides the point.
IATA is clearly annoyed, stating:
“We don’t want foreigners to have to jump through so many hoops that they just give up and don’t bother coming to the U.S”
It is estimated that charging for ESTA will bring in US$4 Billion, with the US Travel Association cock-a-hoot about it saying:
“This is a historic victory for the U.S. economy and one in eight American workers whose jobs depend on travel”
That’s fine then, and impact on the spend of the visiting consumer. Excellent move there. And the EU is considering responding in kind, charging $10 for entry into the European Union for US visitors (a move I would welcome now as I have a reduced intention to vistit the USA even more sadly).
Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert has a guide on how to “dodge” the cost – it could be wise to follow it.
Colour me very unimpressed.
CNN – http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/02/26/travel.promotion.act/index.html?hpt=T2
Glading – http://www.gadling.com/2010/03/04/travel-promotion-act-signed-into-law-visitors-to-u-s-who-dont/
Money Saving Expert – http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/esta-usa-visa
And we're off with a spam post. 24/06.