Ah. This iPad as an IFE (in-flight entertainment) device.
Jetstar is inching closer, and today, abudget carrier Iceland Express (unsurprisingly, based out of Iceland), is planning to offer them on their London Gatwick to Newark Airport via Reykjavik.
Although if you want an iPad and you’re not on first, there could be fun as there will be 25 units assigned per flight. Which isn’t that many consider how many seats a 737-700 can hold.
Rentals will cost £9 a flight, with the iPad lasting 10 hours, the flight in total lasting 11. Which whichever way you cut it is a long time.
It’ll be interesting to see how the content is locked down, and what deals are signed for the IFE.
Still – an innovative use – by the traditional problem will remain how to mount the thing….
Maybe not a problem. Handhelds can typicaly be stored in galley carts for taxi/takeoff/landing, then be handed out as "provisioned items." No need to meet retention of mass requirements.
Maybe not. Then again, I'm sure someone make a nice bracket, or use a case.I doubt they make sick bags large enough to put iPads in though 😉