Like two old women moaning and arguing, British Airways and Unite are once again locking horns.
As they cannot agree over:
- The immediate restoration of staff travel concessions, in full, to the crew from whom they were taken by BA.
- Binding arbitration, through ACAS, of all cabin crew disciplinary cases related to the original dispute.
- The restoration of all earnings docked from crew who were genuinely off sick during strike dates.
- Full and proper discussion of the trade union facilities agreement at the company with the immediate removal of all threats and sanctions made by BA in relation to this.
- The introduction of mixed fleet on different terms and conditions without the agreement of the trade union.
Unite has called it’s memebers to a fresh balot, ending Friday January 21, with the possibility of more strikes disruption early next year.
I could give time to both points, but really, I’m not intrested. As a customer two words come to mind.
Otherwise, customers will decide BA’s future, and the future of Unite’s members for them.