Greetings from Birmingham Airport (I’m not allowed to call it Birmingham International Airport or Tosshole International any more alas).
Check in was fine and dandy, but the new security theatre systems they have seem to always trip when a camera goes through, which means it has to go through a manual wipethrough.
And it gets better as they X-Rayed the contents of my bag twice.
Now that’s fine but it seems every time I go through this hell-hole, the x-ray always picks it up. Which again is fine.
Unless you have the slothlest secuirty staff who can’t be bothered to attend to the bag for 2 minutes.
And people wonder why I’m coming to prefer Heathrow over this joyless tosshole.
Not much more from me today, as I’m going to be sans interwebs for a bit until I get to the lounge at Dublin Tommorow morning.
More musings later!