This as you know is a travel blog. And alas, travel sometimes involves… Buses.
Now, as we all know, buses are hateful things that 1) never turn up on time 2) overloaded when I get on and 3) full of buggies it seems in the West Midlands.
Why do I hate buggies?
Well it’s the not the buggies per say I hate – it’s more of the the people who push them around, who seem to think the entire bus is run for their benefit, who push their way through on a fully loaded bus at peak time with a self-importance, whilst everyone else has to move for them.
And it has got stupid, with 4 buggies loading up on a bus at some points. Which apart from being crammed solid, is darn dangerous if parents forget to put the brakes on and concentrate with more important things – like answering their phone.
It’s even got to the point where wheelchair passengers cannot board because the front of the bus is filled up with… buggies
Well it seems the incumbent bus operator has finally woken up and realised people are getting annoyed with this little sticker appearing on the boarding area
And about time too.
It’s improved the loading on buses, and space. And has left unhappy buggy owners who seem to can’t read signs (or learn to read).