… as I’m considering Eurolines to Brussels to start my next trip.
Now for those of you who aren’t aware, this is a coach service.
You read that right. A coach service across the channel (with a ferry sailing to boot).
The trouble is the day I need to position into Brussels, hotels are not appearing cheaply, Eurostar is costing an arm and a leg (unless I get to Brussels first thing – and to be honest, there are better places in the world to visit that Brussels) and ai fares? Don’t get me started on the cost of a single ticket to BRU.
However the economics of the coach are unsurpassed (£32 for the coach vs £150 for a hotel and £39 for a Cheap Eurostar), and it will position me with plenty of time out to Brussels Airport where I can collaspe in a lounge until my flight to LHR is called.
Convince me out of it please before I hit the magical “Book” Button???
Can it really be worse than a US Airways 767?
@Murry Barnes. That's a very good question. A clapped out 767-200ER vs a modern coach with all the modcons. Considering I did PHL to DUB in one of those which was half broken (The 757 that was due to take us was subbed), I learned three things 1) Seats that don't recline are a pain 2) You do learn that PHL to DUB isn't enough for a decent snooze in and 3) You can sleep for hours in the cold airside zones of Dublin Airport…..
Plus, the bus is 2-2 seating, so no nasty middle seats. I think it might be a winner.
Sad to say it, but I'm close enough to agreeing right now.I'd better check pointbreaks for a laugh – but I have a nasty feeling it's 10 hours on a coach and boat across Europe….
It will make for an interesting comparison for your report. Come on, man, you only live once. Bus it to Brussels!I'm currently thinking of doing something stupid like taking a train to Stockholm just to say I've taken a train to Stockholm…
I like Brussels the city… never been to BRU.
@bmvaughn – I've got to admit, Brussels to me is one the most boring places on the planet. Worse than say… Atlanta… No. Scrub that. Atlanta has charm and reasonably good food (as well as a decent Hyatt). I suppose when the main attractions are a bunch of atoms, a small statue and the EU HQ… lets just say I'd rather be in and out. Coach is looking more and more likely….