… because I just paid for luggage.
Yes. Handed over real cash to stow a bag in the hold. And worse than that – I’m flying FlyBe in December.
Or in UK parlance – FlyMayBe.
£14.99 to stow a bag – I ask you….
All because I want to bring back a few pressies on my next trip that are 1) liquid and 2) over a 100ml. And as much as another ferry trip and coach journey are wanted… I’ll take the plane home…
This is part of the next big trip… which I’ll reveal more of in the next few weeks… 😉
I have yet to pay for luggage, but will be right there with you feeling dirty when I do!
Alas, I’m not FlyBe loyal. In fact, I can think of a number of other options to get home. Alas, all of them are at inconvenient times or to inconvenient airports, so it’s FlyBe.. or BMIBaby.
What’s the term: “A choice between the devil and the deep blue sea..”