It’s Saturday, and it’s back – Safety Video Saturday returns for a month or so as I’ve got some new content.
However, to start of with, here’s the new United Safety Video for a United 747. My comments are… below..
Right. Now you’ve watched it, and thinking what I’m thinking…
Dear United.
Which focus group let this abomination through?
The seems be little flare in this video in comparison to the old United Safety Videos – or Continental ones for that matter. Whilst the content of it basically the same as before, this new video isn’t engaging as the previous Contiental or United Videos.
At least it’s shot on a plane (compared to the Matrix style of the old United videos). The person who use fisheye lenses/fast pans and out of focus effect needs taking to one side as it’s distracting as hell.
Oh, and the person who worked on mixing the Rhapsody in Blue with whatever they’ve concuted should also be taken out and put behind a 747’s engine at take off power.
And deep joy. There are different Jeff Smiek intros. Here’s the Boeing 777-200 intro.
I’ll let you all work out if this is a change I like….
The intros are about 100x better than just after the merger. RiB was butchered, no real opinion on the rest of the video, it’s not great, it’s not bad.
Oh, and 100x better doesn’t mean much when compared to the old ones, but I really do like these intros.
I would have never noticed the panning or fisheye. People actually WATCH the videos?