Well with the dust that is settling on the switch to the new Continental style United Web site, I had a good look over it, and agree with a lot of moans.
One thing to look out for which I haven’t seen much of is that some PNR’s have changed.
In my example, I have some segments on United and Air Canada coming up on the same booking (booked on the olde United Airlines UK web site), which has now had another PNR listed in the itinerary now.
And of course, the old PNR’s are no longer showing up in the United Mobile App, so it’s a case of reloading the PNR into that.
Otherwise it’s just like using the Continental Web site. I’ll file that into the list of “Changes I might like…”
the old UA site looks more soothing on the eyes, but the new conti-based site definitely has more info tailored for experts
i’d say net-net it’s a positive change
There’s also the point that the CO type site worked 9/10 times. The UA site… Yes well….