So the new Lufthansa Business Class Flat seat is out, which will first appear in their Boeing 747-8I’s. Here’s a few pics.
And whilst it’s been a long time coming for Fully Flat seats in Lufthansa Business Class (who currently have wedgie type seats – lie on it too long and you’ll end up with… a wedgie), there have been some major innovations from the reverse Herringbone that US Airways use, to the Staggered Suites on ANA, to the ying and yang of United Business.
And is this the best Lufthansa can come up with???
Angled in, you’ll be able to touch feet with the person next to you. Which brings me onto my next point – the apparent lack of personal space there. Whilst there may be ergonomically designed spaces, the fact is you’re going to end up in someone else’s ergonomically designed space in this design.
IFE seems to have been upgraded to a 15″ Screen (and depending on the solution more connectivity hopefully).
But whilst it may be a design that will allow everyone “to sit or lie facing the direction of travel”, I can’t help feel this is a missed opportunity here…
but most of the other designs would lead to a reduction in the number of C seats……which then means less awards. Consider what happened to LH F since the new seat was launched. Overall I am happy enough with it.
The first thing I noticed was the odd angle. I think I’d be a little weirded out by personal space issue.