It’s Easter Sunday at GhettoIFE towers, and it’s time for some more airplane art!
This week – and as it’s Easter – you all get a present – , it’s a series of photos of an American Airlines Boeing 737-800 (yes, I checked. I could read the reg off the tail), with tail number N919AN taking off from Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
(It goes without saying that all the images are clickable for the 2000 x 2000 or so images!)
There will be more airplane art (and lots from these angles) over the next few weeks!
I downloaded the 3rd image (the one with the strobe light flashing) for usage as a background for my PC (yay for Windows 7’s desktop slideshow feature). I hope that’s ok?
Please do! 🙂 It’s nice to see my work everywhere.
I still don’t know how I got it when the light strobed – I guess I was lucky!
And thank you for asking 🙂