Well it seems that the Virgin Group are distinctly unhappy at the International Airlines Group takeover of British Midland International, and is to appeal against the European Commission’s decision to allow the purchase to go through.
Virgin objects in lots of whiny language with Richard Branson said Virgin Group stating:
“This deal was agreed with lightning speed and we think the number of slots offered is derisory – representing less than a quarter of BMI’s former network”
In addition, Virgin Group would
“challenge every aspect of this process which if allowed to stand, will undoubtedly damage the British airline industry for years to come”
and that
“seemingly ignored all of the strong cases made by politicians, business groups and airlines, to enable one big company to become even more bloated”
Strong words from the bearded wonder indeed.
The takeover of BMI from Lufthansa to IAG is due to be complete on 20th April 2012. IAG will gain 56 slots at Heathrow (to be allocated to the British Airways unit), whilst giving up 12 slots to other airlines as part of the takeover deal.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Virgin will bid for all the 12 slots that BA has been forced to give up, the airline added – although Virgin currently lack short-haul aircraft to operate the smaller routes.
Nothing like the fun of slot-fighting at London Heathrow…
Quite. If the bearded one really wanted more slots, why did Virgin not outbid IA for BMI in the first place, rather than put in the derisory bid they did.
Nomatter what the outcome, Virgin were always going to complain.
Virgin knew the price and didn’t put up the money for it. And being Virgin, they want to be “given” things for as low price as possible.
And they’re also moaning that the slots should be sold as one tranche rather than bit by bit.
I’m sorry – I have little time for the bearded one when he is full moan mode when Virgin has had PLENTY of opportunities to cement a relationship, and has failed to do so.