ANA is in a push at the moment to expand services – and for those who want to visit the land of the rising sun from the big apple (or vice versa), ANA is operating a second service from Tokyo Nartia to New York JFK.
The new combined timetable goes into effect on the 28th October 2012:
Tokyo Narita – New York JFK International
NH010 DEPART NRT 11:00 ARRIVE JFK 10:30 NH1010 DEPART NRT 16:15 ARRIVE JFK 15:15 Booked Equipment: Boeing 777-300ER. ** See notes below **
New York JFK – Tokyo Narita
NH009 DEPART JFK 12:15 ARRIVE NRT 15:25+1 NH1009 DEPART JFK 16:55 ARRIVE NRT 21:05+1 Booked Equipment: Boeing 777-300ER. ** See notes below **
Please note the following: Note that the New York arrival and departure times will be one hour later between October 28 and November 3, 2012, and between March 10 and March 30, 2013. The joy of date and time zones.
ANA’s expansion has been guarded, but intresting, adding two new routes to its network (Rangoon, Burma from 15th October 2012 and Delhi from 28th October 2012), and will represent good news as the airline has had to ground five of it’s 787 Dreamliners due to gear-box issues on the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 Engines. The issue appears to have reduced the service life of the part and thus its simpler to ground part of the fleet until fixed parts are in the chain. No other Rolls Royce powered 787’s are currently affected by this.
What is the routing to Ramgoon … From NY or NRT?
Being ANA, NRT would be the start of the RGN service.