Today is the 6th October. For most of you, a completely unimportant day. For me, it’s the day that GhettoIFE completed the move from Blogger and onto Boarding Area, and my first anniversary here.
And nothing says “I love you my readers” than running a prize draw.
And as usual, it’s something you won’t see every day. Well two things. I’ve got the following:
1st Draw winner will win: A Fluffy Boeing 787 Dreamliner!
Whilst Boeing has taken forever to knock the real aircraft out, at GhettoIFE Towers, we’ve had them in fluffy form for a few years ;). I have one of these sitting on top of a monitor with your name on it if you win!
2nd Draw Winner will win: A Fluffy United 757!
Harking back to the days when United could play Rhapsody in Blue without turning it into elevator music? When that globe wasn’t on your plane and had a lovely Blue Tulip (or a battleship tulip if you were unlucky)? Days when the phrase “Changes we think you might like” didn’t mean squat? Well, this is for you! This fluffy 757 will take you back to the good olde days of United in its Blue Tulip livery And as an added bonus, this one makes annoying noise too! The perfect thing to annoying everyone on the plane…
And digging around in my box’o’stuff – a special Prize Winner will win: A Pair of “Remove before Flight” keyrings (well sorta my box. Sorta my mail box when they arrive…)
Yes, I’ve got a few of these in the flat and a few more that are arriving soon. No, I’m hanging onto them for now. No, I haven’t been to Alibaba to try and get custom ones made… yet. These stylish keyrings will inform anyone you like your planes… and also darn handy to locate keys, wallets, or anything that needs a “remove before flight” tag.
Ok, ok. They’re not the greatest prizes. It could be worse – I could be giving away American Airlines miles…. like anyone collects those things…
I was going to kick the draw off today – but I’m going to hold back a day or two until the MegaDO draw is over.
So the contest post will be up at 00:10 8th October2012 Mountain time and will run for a week and a bit.
But thank you for tuning in over the year. It is appreciated you click through to this blog and read some of the stuff that is emptied from my mind into the
Watch out for the prize draw post on the 8th. But for now, a far better prize is up for grabs….
Star MegaDO4. Lots written about it… lots of fun surprises (along with a certain Jeff Smeisk coming along too it seems for a Q&A), and GhettoIFE along with the bloggers from Boarding Area are giving away a seat with Randy Petersen!
To win a seat with Randy, head to, read the rules, and if you’re the winner from the random draw, you’ll go forward to another random draw where 2 readers from Boarding Area blogs will a seat on the US Domestic MegaDO flight! You can also enter at the other following blogs!
- AAdvantage Geek
- DealsWeLike
- Delta Points
- Flying With Fish
- Frequent Miler
- Ghetto IFE
- Hack My Trip
- Just Another Points Traveller
- Live From a Lounge
- Loyalty Traveler
- Marshal Jackson on Travel
- MilesQuest
- Miles From Blighty
- Mommy Points
- New Girl in the Air
- One Mile at a Time
- Pearls of Travel Wisdom
- Point Me to the Plane
- Points Miles & Martinis
- Rapid Travel Chai
- Road Warriorrette
- The Military Frequent Flyer
- The Sceptical Traveler
- Unroadwarrior
- View From The Wing
- Wandering Aramean
Good luck! 😀
Happy anniversary! Looking forward to more!
Happy Anniversary. I really enjoy your blog and the Saturday safety videos.
Keep up the good work
Good job buddy!
Happy anniversary.
Congrats on the 1 year with BoardingArea. Don’t think I’ve commented before but I’ve enjoyed all of your trip reports, especially the brilliant ghetto ife solution.