I was looking at my Google+ feed today, when this gem appeared..
It seems there is minor fiddling with the boarding process where those with not much baggage can skip ahead
The table on the AA site has been updated too:
Source : http://www.aa.com/i18n/urls/boarding.jsp?anchorLocation=DirectURL&title=boarding
As airlines seem to decrease load times and convice use to carry less, this is another tactic it seems to get those with no lover head luggage on first.
Hopefully this will not a prelude to AA charging for overhead bin luggage…
As someone who tries to travel light, I am excited to hear this good news!
(Also, might want to proofread the last paragraph one more time.)
Thanks. Was in a rush to get the news out. Also editing the blog on a phone is a real challenge….. 😉
PriorityAAccess might be better named, “middle of the pack access.”