It’s coming up to that time of the year where the aviation industry will be gathering in Paris Le Bourget for the biannual Paris Air Show.
But what to look out for this year? Here’s a few predictions
- The Boeing 787-10 will be formally announced and placed for sale with at least Singapore Airlines and British Airways being launch partners
- The Airbus A350 will be a star as well – mostly in orders I suspect after its first flight performance
- Expect minimal news about Airbus A380/Boeing 747-8 orders. Each day, I’m slowly thinking the age of the superjumbo is over.
- In terms of narrow bodies, expect orders for both Airbus A320NEO and Boeing 737-MAX. I’d expect a strong showing from the 737MAX (as Airbus has had some major sales with the A320NEO)
- Expect both the Comac C919 and Inkurt MS-21 to make some progress this year as they aim to break the Airbus/Boeing duopoly…
- Bombardier may pull off a coop if it flying its new C-Series 100 prototype – FTV1 – during the show. Embarer may have something up its seelve – which might fall out during the show.
- Minimal turboprop news, although I’d expect sales of ATR 72 series aircraft.
- And whilst Boeing has sent two 787’s to the show, I have a feeling if Airbus can get the A350 to do a display fly-past, it could really steal the show for them (Airbus has sent an A380, A330, A320 and a A318CJ).
These air shows are a chance for companies to show off their wares, and for big sales to be made.
GhettoIFE will be doing a nightly round up of who’s brought what, and news from Le Borget.
(Post updated – as WordPress was having a moment earlier, only publishing an old version of this post)
aren’t they also announcing the skytrax airline awards?
Yes there are. I’ve missed out some bits that I’ll be covering (including those who want to break the Airbus/Boeing Duopoly). Truth be known, I’m interested in who’s buying what and where those planes will be in who’s fleets…
I always listen to ATW’s airline of the year as a benchmark – Skytrax’s results always are… Surprising.
Whatever happens – this is going to be an interesting week…
I wonder wether Airbus will actually perform a flypast using the A350.
I’d say its 50/50. Whilst flight test team aren’t under pressure to fly the A350 for the show, it would a chance to show off on their home turf…
Minor thing… It’s coup, not coop
Coop is a shared dwelling, most frequently known for housing chickens
Coup is an expected action
Chicken coop? The word you want is spelled “coup.”