In a sign that the four horsemen of the apocalyps eare coming, Ryanair’s niceness project has taken some interesting turns.
According to, Ryanair is planning the following changes… some of these are actual POSITIVE changes:
- For those who hate Recaptacha’s – they’re gone for individual bookings from 1st November 2013.
- A grace period of 24 hours will be granted for those who book on the Ryanair Website to for those who need to make minor changes to bookings such as spellings, names and routings.
- “Quiet Flights” will be operated from 1st November 2013, with flights before 8am local and 9pm local having less PA’s, and mostly concerning on safety announcements. Lights will also be dimmed on these flights to allow rest on these flights.
- From 1st December, YOU CAN BRING TWO ITEMS with you on Ryanair. The Second bag is limited to 35 x 20 x 20 cm’s (a purse, airport shopping bag to the size of a wine bottle)
- From 1st December, the expensive boarding pass re-issue fee of €70/£70 will drop to €15/£15 for customers who have already checked in online. If you have failed to check in, you will still have to pay €70/£70 to check in at the airport.
- From 5th January 2014, the fees they charge the airport for bags will drop from €60/£60 to €30/£30 at the bag drop desk, and from €60/£60 to €50/£50 at the boarding gate
Well… this almost pains me to say this, but well done Ryanair for cutting some of the stupid charges you have and almost converting flying back into a reasonable experience. The fee cuts are always welcome, whilst the customer environmental improvements make flying a bit more enjoyable.
Hopefully, Ryanair is learning that people want quality as well as low prices – these actions should help some along the way as they try to woo customers to sit in their planes.
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“The Second bag is limited to 35 x 20 x 20 cms (a purse, airport shopping bag to the size of a wine glass)”
Umm… a purse to the size of a wine glass?!? And what is “cms” – centimeters, is abbreviated “cm”.