This popped up on the radar today (with thanks to Bart), with EDreams (an online travel agent) coming up with a Periodic Table of their top 100 airlines, based on customer feedback.
Have a look below.
Image – Edreams via
I’m honestly working some of the results out still.
Their data indicates that the top airline according to their customers is Singapore Airlines (and to be honest, I’m not overly surprised). The Second place raised an eyebrow (of Korean Air) and then China Airlines (whose safety record isn’t exactly clean).
European Airlines start at Number 7, with Aegean taking a spot, followed behind Turkish airlines.
Low Cost Carriers show their strong hand, with JetBlue leading the pack (and also the top rated USA Airline).
However, it’s the end of the table that is confusing me somewhat – United stand at Position 85 (although with the cuts they seem to announce on a weekly basis, this isn’t surprising me any more). Ryanair pops in at number 88, and then some big legacies really suffering in the ranks… American Airlines, Delta, Air India, Air China and Finnair.
Data can be subjective (especially with airline reviews where writing the bad bits is an active hobby of a lot of people). Also mixing short haul with Long Haul will have some odd skewing effects.
But a deeper dive of this data is needed to understand what’s dragging some of the bigger legacies down.
And down hard.
The full results are at … what are your thoughts?
HT: Bart La via
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Does that mean Easy Jet and Ryan Air are both better than Cathay, ANA, Thai, Etc?
pretty meaningless. furthermore where’s Cathay, Southwest, ANA, JAL?
Wait, so neither of my two favorite airlines for domestic flying, AS and VX, even make the list? Did I miss something? Is the West Coast of the United States somehow disqualified from this list?
Whoa, Jeremy’s right! Forgetting all the others that he and I mentioned, a supposed list of the top HUNDRED airlines that doesn’t include CX at all seems to me to be unquestionably BS.
Obviously a list like this is BS. But it does say something about setting expectations. Ryanair is no doubt worse than AA in any objective sense, but subjectively it seems better because they’re cheap and they do exactly what they say they will – nothing more. They get you from A to B efficiently. And like Southwest, as soon as you figure out the ‘system’, you can rely on it.