If you keep an eye on the bottom left of the blog, you’ll see a thing called Kevincm’s Photoblog.
This is something I do every now and again. It allows me to sort and organise photos, put them into relevant sets, and act semi-planned.
Or something like that.
Occasionally, photos that are taken by users make the photo of the day. I’ve had this happen before with a photo in O’Hare Terminal 3…
O’Hare Terminal 3 in the early morning – KCM/GhettoIFE 2013 – see my entry in November 2013
Well I woke to to an extra surprise today as another one of my sets made the front page on Photoblog.
… and if you look at the image a bit closer, you’ll find one of my image have been put onto the front page.
Market-time near The Eiffel Tower – Image GhettoIFE/KCM 2014
For those looking for photographic inspiration, I can highly recommend Photoblog – both as a place to view photos and ideas. That and you can also upload photos too… which if you’re not a fan of Flickr or Photobucket, it provides an option to share photos.
So why all the Paris photos? Well, there’s a trip report on the way… and it will be coming over the next few days once things settle back down again.
Hopefully, this should make its way out onto the blog over the next few days (or when I get round to typing up the report… should be soon… )
Very nice. Congrats!