One of the things I don’t do enough of as a photographer is actually PRINT my own photos out.
Today, we’re interested in Flickr, Facebooking, Intragram, Tweeting our pictures… but printing seems be much more down the agenda.
Oh heck. 44,520 photos over 824GB. Even I didn’t realise how much I shot last year.
Even more embarrassing – how many of the those photos escaped and made it to the printers? Well a lot of them ended up on Photoblog and on GhettoIFE/Economy Class and Beyond.
But how many of those images actually ended up in print?
I’ll let you guess. Go on. That’s correct.
2 (Two)
Yes, I should be practising what I’m preaching. So this year, I’m resolving for each trip that I do, I release one print (whatever the size). I chose this picture of Waikiki Beach to go the printers.
Waikiki Beach Sunset – (c) KCM for Economy Class and Beyond 2015.
Secrets to this picture? Nothing that being there at the right time. Shot on a Canon 6D with a 24-105L, ISO2500, 1/40th shutter at f4, and the image stabiliser on. No noise correction applied, no filters in post, just the image as it comes.
Whilst I could had probably brought the ISO down a bit if I took a tripod, you are making the dangerous assumption that I travel with a tripod.
I don’t. It’s a personal preference as I like to travel without more equipment than I need.
So what did I want to do with this? I’m not a fan of posters, and this print deserves to blown up in a big way. And I mean big.
So I go to my old standby of put it on a canvas. This has worked well in the past with a couple of other prints I’ve done.
I like the way they’re nice and matt, and they can fill a space without trying.
Here’s one I did when I went to New York a few years ago
New York Taxi’s Canvas – Image, (c) KCM for Economy Class and Beyond
So it was a matter of shipping it off to a printer… or more precisely, waiting for a printer to make a good offer.
For Canvas prints, I now-days ship the job to SnapMad or to Picanova. On this occasion, I chose Picanova because they were offering a silly price on a Canvas (their prices are pretty keen normally I should add).
The canvas size I went for was a bit larger than usual – 120 centimetres by 80 centimetres or 47.2 inches by 31.5 inches.
I didn’t realise how big that was when I pressed send.
But for £20 + £7.99 delivery I wasn’t arguing.
Eventually, it arrived in the office… and it went for a ride in the Aygo of Doom.
That darn thing filled the back seat of the car.…
Eventually, it made it to the flat, and I put it up last Sunday.
And there were have it – an image released.
And for scale…
That’s the back wall of my living room. It’s warmed up the place a bit – the previous canvas can be seen down the bottom from San Francisco last year.
It’s something I’m going to make a point of doing from now onwards – photos deserve the chance to be let out and seen, rather than as dusty negatives or zeros and ones on a hard disk somewhere.
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