Lets Tallinn that again! AY107 Helsinki to Tallinn
In this 200 Tier Point Adventure:
- 155 Tier points to go (because my mathematical skills are as bad as my grammatical skills)
- To the Heathrow area
- The Holiday Inn Ariel, London Heathrow
- To Heathrow, Revisiting the Cathay Pacific Lounge
- AY3126 London Heathrow to Helsinki in Business Class
- Can you transit Helsinki airport in 20 minutes flat?
- AY107 Helsinki to Tallinn
- Another walk around Tallinn… and an iPhone 7
- The Hotel Ülemiste
- Back to Tallinn Airport, Tallinn Airport Lounge
- AY118 Tallinn to Helsinki (ATR72-500)
- A quick visit to the Finnair Non-Schengen Lounges
- AY831 Helsinki to Heathrow in Business Class with an A350
- A Train adventure home
- Silver: Done.
NoRRA (Nordic Regional Airlines, 13D, Economy Class
20 Tier Points Earned, 750 Avios Earned (500 Base + 250 Tier Bonus)

The waiting ATR operating flight AY107.
I boarded the waiting ATR-72 and headed to the window seat for this short hop to Tallinn. With pretty much everyone else behind me. Therefore I chucked my bag in the overhead bin with the quickest of speeds and sat down.
On aircraft like ATR’s – it’s the best thing to do.
The seat… the cover has seen a lot better days I suspect.
The rest of the plane filled up quickly as people don’t like hanging around in the cold
Pop in the Global Coordinates. You might be in for surprise. Or not.
The seat itself… has seen better days with the leather cracked to bits. Some would call it “loved”. I’d call it “time to buy some new seat covers”.
With the plane loaded up, the safety demonstration was conducted. That done, our ATR72 reversed and headed out.
Pushing back. Notice the Lufthansa plane with fricking Sharklets.
The taxi was a short one to the runway, and within a few minutes, the engines spooled up for the short hop to Tallinn.
Climbing out
City Below
Through the cloud layer.
As this is a 20-minute flight (with it nearer 15 minutes, and 5 minutes of taxiing at each end), there’s no onboard service as such.
And I doubt you could even do a water run in 20 minutes (including prep, distribution and clean up), let alone anything else.
The only thing you can do is kick back in the tight space, and watch nature unfurl in front of you. With the ride not being overly bumpy, it was quite pleasant for the short crossing. Certainly, I’ve been aboard a NoRRA ATR72 before when it was ultra-bumpy. That was… umm.. fun.
With the journey being so short, the ground rolled around showing we were in Estonia, and the plane prepared to land.
With a gentle bump, our ATR72 landed, completing AY107’s to Tallinn.
Tallinn Airport has some MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) facilities, so there were planes on the tarmac as our ATR taxied to the gate.
Ellinair Boeing 737
Smartlink Estonia A320
Hak Air Boeing 737
With the short taxi, the ATR approached Gate 5 of Tallin Airport, ending AY107s flight.
With the plane parked up at the terminal, the door was released and everyone streamed out onto the tarmac, and up to the terminal building
Overall: Another quick NoRRA flight from A to B. Service free, but comfortable. But some of these ATR’s need new seats in them… the sooner the better.
Next: An Afternoon Walking in Tallinn.
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