Good morning? Yes, it is morning I suppose from Hamad International Airport. Or as I'm calling it - "Hot Mess International". I'm sorry Hamad International Airport - Your cute bear lamp cannot save you from a hot mess of an airport. I'm sure you're aware of the mess I had of transit through here last time. Well, this time - I've had more fun this morning (and I'm … [Read more...]
Ryanair warns… about it’s own fees….
As some of you are aware, I'm going to be doing something I haven't done since 2005 - and that's willingly fly on a Ryanair service. In the email pile I did get a lovely warning from them... about their own fees. In the first part of the email, they remind you if you've checked in... or not. Now onto the meat of it - where the charges can stack up! So if … [Read more...]
Emirates to offer 10mb of free Wifi inflight… and 600mb for a $1
In flight WiFi for a lot of people is something that is starting to become the norm (well... not for me... I just love the time being disconnected from the world). However, airlines have been either charging the earth or not making services available. Well, it seems Emirates is going to innovate again internationally by offering 10mb of WiFi free on its … [Read more...]