I’m probably going to win no supporters over at London Heathrow Terminal 3, but really the whining from Virgin Atlantic over the sale of BMI is getting intolerable from over there.
As we all known, Lufthansa is trying to get shot of it’s BMI subsidiary, and of course as I reported earlier this month, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic fame is after BMI as usual, and moaning about British Airways “Salami Slicing BMI up”
There’s more from Bloomberg today stating Virgin Atlantic is looking how it would combine the two operations, as well as BMI’s fiscal mis-adventures (yes BMI Revenue Management – you’re in the dock here too) and the sale of slots to British Airways
What is becoming clearer is that according to Stephen Furlong, an analyst at Davy Stockbrokers in Dublin, is that Lufthansa are trying to close this for the end of the year.
Virgin Atlantic itself is in a corner thanks to all the Joint Ventures across the Atlantic whilst with all due respect to Virgin Atlantic – they’ve stood still and moaned and done nothing about it.
And you know what? I’m honestly bored with this whining.
So, Sir Richard Branson, if you want BMI – now is the time to buy it. Put the hard cash down and end this confusion for the customers of BMI, Lufthansa and Virgin Atlantic – as well as stock holders. Otherwise cut the moaning, put up with the situation and shut up please. It’s entirely Virgin Atlantic’s fault where it finds itself today, and the failure to join a Global Alliance, or to secure a Joint-Venture partner it’s own problem.
And whilst BMI might provide a short-haul/feeder traffic helper to Virgin Atlantic, it won’t solve your long term problems about NOT being in an alliance…
I couldn’t agree more with you over Sir Rich – if he doesn’t like BA buying them then put his own hand in his deep pockets and buy them himself.