My thoughts on BA1: excellent service, excellent product.
A full trip report will be coming soon.
Now, whilst the crew and product were excellent, I’m going to win no friends at all with parents (Sorry Mommypoints), but there were elements on the flight ruined due to hyperactive kids… And their parents not controlling them (for example, using the set as a climbing frame, bouncing up and down on the leg rest, shouting across seats… Whilst the parents don’t seem to know to how to say no to then.
Whilst I respect the right for people to bring children with them, it killed the relaxation part of the flight for me for which the parents had no control over the children.
So much so, I’m with Malaysian airlines sadly – ban them from the top classes of travel, or warn the passengers at least children are near by so an option to move seat is possible.
The one saving grace – BA’s noise reduction headphones work. That and I’m now fully familiar with a Symphonic Metal band.
More later – I’ve got an appointment at a Genius bar as I’ve got a sick Apple Mac 🙁
I completely agree! Children should be banned from portions of premium cabins. While some children are perfectly able to fly and control themselves, I have had one too many horrible flights where the children were out of control and the parents did nothing.
Note I’m the most understanding in the world… But the kids on the plane today were… Spoiled Brats.
I doubt their parents know how to say no to them.
The straw that broke the camels back is when a kid reached for my water glass… I wasn’t impressed.
Even then the father who was sitting in the seat next to me could be assed to lift a finger.
there should be a toilet that is sound proofed that parents with screaming children are REQUIRED to go into.
I don’t approve of ill mannered kids or parents. Trust me. In fact I have a similar post going out tomorrow. I am very much in support of family travel, but in a responsible way.
Thanks Mommypoints.
I’ve had plenty of flights down the back where kids have been well behaved. Today’s flight.. Did take the biscuit a bit.
Sometimes responsibilities are forgotten at 35,000ft….
Most children are not traveling to get life-saving surgery. They are traveling because their parents want to travel. Parents who bring infants and toddlers are experimenting to see if their kids are ready for a long flight, which is unfair to other paying passengers who are not bothering anyone. If your kid was out of control on a bus or a train, the driver or conductor would have every right to make you leave. You cannot leave a plane after takeoff, so the solution is for parents to wait until their children are older and to stop acting irresponsible, selfish, and entitled.
Kick those kids off the plane midair
If the parents wouldn’t do anything then someone else should have. I don’t meany physically but give them a stern warning or something similar and see if the parents get involved then!