So its making it’s way around the nets about Ryanair reducing its flights in and out of Stansted (STN) by 40%, and actual flights by 30% – or in real numbers – 4 less B737-800’s.
4. Big whoop.
Of course. O’Liar doesn’t want to highlight this. Instead, he chooses to bitch about BAA (form a queue – there’s a lot of us who wish to moan about the Shopping mall with Airbridges operator) because it costs Ryanair a lot of money to operate out of STN (and what about the other operators? They operate on scotch mist do they?) and Gordon Brown/Alistair Darling due to the rise in APD that has been covered on this blog (Different queue – no priority boarding O’Liar).
Now it is common knowledge that the UK Aviation industry (and most of the world aviation) is currently going down the pan – Ryanair’s answer by cutting cutting and more cutting isn’t the solution.
Marketing is about segments. And yes, there is a segment who will fly for nothing or close enough (as demonstrated by me earlier today). However, there are segments that want service, lounges, treatment like a human being, respect and SERVICE.
Sorry Michael O’Leary. I don’t buy a single word you’re saying here – only the opportunity for more free press for your airline.
Now if you really wanted to save money, how about getting shot of some of those spare 737-800s?
Stumbled randomly onto your blog, and I've got to say, amen to your O'Leary rant. I can't stand Ryanair either. They recently announced that they're cutting flights out of PIK, where I am, and all I could think was good riddance!
Alas if Ryanair say goodbye to PIK, that could spell doom for that airfield.Too many business plans are based on O'Leary these days – and he has a level of control in the business that some airlines can only dream of.