I'm in the process of uploading my pictures from my trip in progress. Alas, the ANA 787 portion is dominating the coverage at the moment (like anyone couldn't guess that was going to happen!). And I've got myself into gear and uploaded the first trance of stuff to this trip. PICTURES: Preparing for the off- … [Read more...]
Airplane Art Extra – ANA’s International 787
Ok. I couldn't resist. It's Wednesday here, and it's time for some Airplane Art EXTRA! And for those of you who couldn't guess... it's the ANA 787 at Frankfurt (Blue Sky) and Toyko Haneda At Frankfurt Tokyo Haneda There's a LOT more to come. Well I have a 16gb card is full of images. I'll let you work out what I'm doing later on ;) … [Read more...]
Good morning from the land of the Rising Sun….
And こんにちは! Well I've flown with ANA's Boeing 787 long haul. And I have a few thoughts already. Highlights: The impeccable service LowLights: Those electronic blinds. I'm not a fan. That's all I'm going to say on this for now - keep your eyes open for some pics on the Twitter feed and on Photoblog over the next couple of days.... Tease? Me? No. I haven't … [Read more...]
Japan 2012: A Delay is one thing… but great service can cure some of the issues.
And that nod for Great Service goes to BMI who conducted a great service today on the Birmingham>Frankfurt run for Lufthansa. Talkative, friendly, engaging, even whilst delayed for an hour twenty on the ground. Let me put it like this: The food service was edible, the drinks were freeflowing, and the crews actually looked like they wanted to be there. And it's a cry … [Read more...]
Japan 2012: an hour on the ground
Well you read my post about the German ground staff action earlier. Well it looks like my plane is on the ground for an hour plus, with an ETA into FRA at 11:20. Good thing I'm not on a schedule.... … [Read more...]
Japan Trip 2012: Well. If it’s 06:15 (Local), it must be time to travel
Yup. The open road begins again. And this morning, it's at Birmingham Airport (what laughably used to be called "Birmingham International Airport). So far so good. Put it like this: I'm glad I checked in at the desk so I got a fasttrack sticker. The queues for security were... awful. Just awful Anyway. Good morning from that ServisAir Lounge. And yes, it's still an (What … [Read more...]
Of all the options in the world, I choose this one. And yet there are more choices…
One day I will get someone to look in my mind and scream at me "WHY???" very loudly when I plan my trips. Once again, I need to head to the Windy City. And of course, LHR-ORD is just boring ;). So I attempt as usual to spice it up a tiny bit. Part of my problem is BMI and where to dump my miles next. And it's a bigger problem as my next trip is when IAG has planned to … [Read more...]
ANA scare the whatsits out of me… and then I can’t assign a seat…
Today, ANA sent a lovely little e-greeting for the Christmas season. And as usual I occasionally have a nose at the site. As I'm hoping to be travelling aboard an ANA 787 soon as part of my Japan trip. However, I was greeted with this on the ANA site earlier.. Screengrab from ANA - http://www.ana.co.jp/asw/wws/uk/e/ Uh oh. This... is not good. And... it isn't from … [Read more...]
TRIP REPORT – Narrow Minds and Narrow Bodies – To Denver with United, Aer Lingus and FlyBe
Narrow Minds and Narrow Bodies - To Denver with the New United, Aer Lingus and FlyBe - BHX-DUB, DUB-EWR-LAX-DEN, DEN-SFO-EWR-BFS, BHD-BHX Or NOT ANOTHER BLEEDING BOEING 757!!! Hello dear readers. And welcome to my end-of-year trip. Why? For miles of course and to maintain status - so I don’t have to fly in January in a mad panic. Newbies! Welcome to the … [Read more...]
Denver Run: Trip Pictures and videos – Now live!
Good news! The pictures from the Denver trip are now live over in my Photoblog And here they are listed for your amusement: Aer Lingus BHX-DUB and Travelodge Swords- http://www.photoblog.com/kevincm/2011/12/01/denver-mileage-run-birmingham-to-dublin-travelodge-swords.html United/Continental Airlines DUB-EWR - … [Read more...]