... and SURPRISE... United have managed to ruin my luggage already.Not a happy bunny right now - more to come later .... (and United has taken no resposibiltity as it is external damage and therefore out of the T&C;'s)Waste of fudging space... … [Read more...]
At the Star Alliance Lounge LHR
... and full of bacon butties and sausage barns. It'll make the oncoming pain of a UA flight a bit less painful... Trip report will come in it's own sweet time... right now.. I feel the need for a buttie or two more... ;) … [Read more...]
A useful list from Delta!
Shock and horror from the airline that brought us a finger waggle that "Smoking is not allowed on any Delta flight" For some time people have had to guess what IFE is installed onboard an aircraft. Well Delta has taken some of the pain out of the guesswork (and wasting hours on SeatGuru) and published a list on their blog … [Read more...]
Airplane p0rn – A reflection
Time for some more airplane p0rn - this time from within an actual airplane A United 757-200 in reflection, cruising between Seattle and Chicago. … [Read more...]
Beware the great mobile con – How to try and save money on calls aboard…
Cheapskates way of saving money on Mobile calls in the USA. Lets face it, most of us are married to mobile phones (what, luddite in the corner – you aren’t… oh go and look at some airplane p0rn instead). Unfortunately the moment you step out of the realms of the European Union (or European Economic Area) prices skyrocket. Lets take a simple 1 minute … [Read more...]
Kiwis. Gotta love them..
It's amazing how far a little bit of body paint goes. (There's a game here too - called "Spot the CEO"). An excellent bit of advertising - not as viral as the Delta Safety Video, but still pretty good... … [Read more...]
Off to the Streets of Philadelphia
Well this blog has been slightly well timed, as I'm off to Philly next week (my timing is improving), but a post on Flyertalk (see: http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/us-airways-dividend-miles/953330-shouldve-booked-british-airways-london.html) has got me thinking why I didn't go direct and why I've routed myself around the wrekin. And suddenly it came into sharp focus. That … [Read more...]
The Sunday Soapbox – FIX YOUR WEBSITES!
Why oh WHY can't airlines can't do a TINY bit of testing and design work when they build their websites? Today's little rant really is pointed at my "home" airline - BMI, but other companies guilty of such annoyances include US Airways, Alatalia, Ryanair, etc. We all know that data changes, and the way we handle it changes (that includes the dweebs at GCHQ and Jacqui … [Read more...]
Airplane p0rn – Delta 767-300
A feature I'm going to do when I can be bothered is Airplane p0rn... or pretty pictures I've taken on my travels. So first off is... A Delta 767-300 landing at Manchester Airport. It's just nice to see the water being kicked in the air as it the plane lands. … [Read more...]
So what *IS* Ghetto IFE?
IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) is in so many words something to keep you occupied when you're trapped in a small seat crossing distances far and wide. This is very common amongst long haul and short haul aircraft across the world (well.. except in Short Haul in Europe it seems where the only thing you get is a seat to sit in - and that's if you've been good). But there are of … [Read more...]